Quality and Patient Safety for Aspiring IP Leaders Series: Optimization of Healthcare Associated Infections Investigation Tools
Recorded On: 08/22/2024
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CE: 1 / IPU: 1
Thursday, August 22, 2024 @ 1 pm ET
Caldwell A. Lewin MSN-IPC, RN, CIC, CPHQ and Tracey R.. Odachowski MSN, BA, RN, CIC, CCRN-K, NE-BC
This proposal surrounds the optimization of data management through electronic methods. The proposed presentation will present the development process and implementation of electronic healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) review (deep dive) tools. Through the development of these tools, our multi-hospital organization has been able to streamline the HAI investigation process and quickly identify organizational trends and opportunities for improvement in our prevention efforts. We will share the two-year journey of this process with the lessons learned and the currently developed electronic investigation tools, and our strategy for maintaining a single repository. We will also discuss how we present our HAI trends across the system for individual facility and organizational events maintained in real-time. This process has significantly increased facility and corporate awareness of HAI events and improved the engagement and buy-in in supporting prevention efforts. The targeted audience is infection prevention teams looking to strengthen participation across their organization with the HAI review process and save time in tracking and reporting trends. Additionally, this process has significantly increased multidisciplinary engagement in infection prevention.
Continuing Education (CE) Credit:
In support of improving patient care, The Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology, Inc. (APIC) is jointly accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE), and the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), to provide continuing education for the healthcare team.
- APIC designates this activity for 1 Nursing Contact Hours
- APIC designates this live course activity for a maximum of 1 PRA Category 1 Credits™
- Physicians should claim only the credits commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
- APIC designates this activity for 1 infection prevention unit(s).
- For more information, please see https://www.cbic.org/CBIC/Recertify/Recertification-by-Continuing-Education.htm

Tracey R.. Odachowski MSN, BA, RN, CIC, CCRN-K, NE-BC
System Director of Infection Prevention
Sentara Health
Tracey Odachowski, MSN, BA, RN,CIC, CCRN-K, NE-BC, is the System Director of Infection Prevention for SentaraHealth in Virginia and Northeastern North Carolina. She earned her BA inBiology from the College of Notre Dame of Maryland, her BSN from Johns HopkinsUniversity and MSN in Health Systems Management from Vanderbilt University.Tracey has been a nurse since 1999 with experience primarily in cardiothoracicsurgery and general critical care. She served as a unit manager for 10 yearsand has been in Infection Prevention and Control since 2020. She holds nationalcertifications in Infection Control, Critical Care and Nursing Leadership. Sheis a past recipient of the Excellence in Patient Safety Award from VirginiansImproving Patient Care & Safety, Inc, and has a strong passion for patientsafety, effective leadership, and teamwork.